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Everything you need to know about Canadian Marble Fox

Canadian Marble Fox

Canadian Marble Fox, also known as Arctic Marble Fox is a gorgeous-looking animal with unique fur patterns. Due to their striking appearance, they are extremely popular among exotic pet enthusiasts.

But despite being categorized as exotic pets, they are still wild animals and are not suitable to be kept as household pets. But if you still want a Canadian Marble Fox as a pet, then you should have in-depth knowledge about the animal before proceeding further.

Canadian Marble Fox: Origin and History  

If you want a pet Canadian marble fox, then you need to know how the animal came to be. First of all, their name may suggest that they are a separate species of fox. However, they are not a different species at all. Its name refers to the location where they are predominantly found and the color of its fur.

Canadian Marble Fox Origin and History  

Moreover, the Canadian Marble fox is not a naturally occurring species but rather a color variant of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) which is native to Canada and Alaska. According to the Fur Commission in the USA, Canadian Marble Foxes were first bred in Sverre Omber’s Farm, Norway in 1945.

The first litter of Marble Fox was created by breeding a Red Fox with the Silver Fox (another color variant of the red fox). The Fur farmers then began selectively breeding Marble Foxes for their attractive fur color mutations. This is because they discovered that the fur of the Canadian Marble Fox is more profitable than any other fox.

Canadian Marble Fox: Breed Overview  

Read on to know more about the Canadian Marble Fox –



‘The lifespan of a Canadian Marble Fox is approximately 8-10 years. When born and raised in a human-controlled environment with proper care, Canadian marble foxes can live for 15 years or more. However, the foxes that live in wild habitats have an expected lifespan of only 5-6 years.


The Canadian fox marble is an extremely resilient animal. It can adapt and thrive in almost any type of habitat ranging from dense, damp forests, mountains, and freezing Arctic tundra to even urban environments.


Unlike other wild animals, Canadian marble foxes do not hibernate because their thick fur enables them to withstand the harsh temperature during the winter. Their fur is white in the winter and turns brownish-red in the summer which helps them to camouflage easily. When their fur turns brown in summer, they resemble a red marble fox. When in the wild, they live in dens and in winter dig holes in the ground.


They may have been bred in captive but their behavior and temperament are quite similar to its parent breeds – the Red Fox and the Arctic Fox.


Like most fox species, the Canadian Marble Fox is a solitary animal and territorial in nature. When living in the wild, it lives and hunts on its own or in very small family packs. They are known for their intelligence and resourcefulness when hunting and foraging in harsh environments.

Dietary needs

Like its parent fox, the Canadian Marble fox is an omnivore but their diet primarily consists of meat and occasionally fruits and vegetables. They generally feed on small birds and animals like rabbits, voles, and raccoons and rodents such as rats and mice. The marble fox is also an opportunistic feeder and will feast on carrion and carcass flesh. They are also known to trail behind large predators like polar bears and feed on their leftover scraps.

Dietary needs

These foxes have a tendency to steal and scavenge for food. So if you keep them as a pet, you need to tightly steal your dustbins and cupboards containing food.

Explore More: Fennec Fox: Diet, Habitat, Picture, 10 Fun Facts

Physical Characteristics

The most distinctive feature of the Canadian Marble Fox is its attractive coat, which is characterized by its “marble” pattern. The fur is silver-gray in color and has black patches that form a distinct pattern. They also sport a greyish-black ring around their eyes which is commonly known as the burglar’s mask.

Physical Characteristics

When you search online, you may see these foxes referred to as Canadian marble fox cat. But they are not a cat and don’t belong to the feline family. However, Canadian marble foxes look like a cat in terms of size and coat color. Hence it is sometimes called the Canadian Marble Fox cat.

The head is usually white, and the tail is usually black. The coat may also have a hint of red or brown in some areas. Marble Foxes have a medium build typical of foxes. Males, known as dogs, weigh around 6-21 lbs and grow up to 18-27 inches. On the other hand, females, known as vixens, weigh slightly less at 3-8 lbs. They stand about 18-20 inches at the shoulder.

Can I keep a Canadian Marble Fox as a pet?  

Since Canadian Marble Foxes were created through artificial and selective breeding, many people wonder whether they will make good pets. But it is important to remember that Canadian Marble Foxes may have a captivating appearance but they are still wild foxes.

As a result, some states have made it illegal to keep a fox as pets. So before searching Canadian marble fox for sale in US, you need to check whether you are allowed to keep one as a pet in your state.

In the USA, it is illegal to have a pet fox in 35 states in total. Furthermore, in states, where owning a fox as a pet is legal, you may still need a special license or a permit.

If you live in any one of the below-mentioned states, you can keep a Canadian Marble Fox pet

  1. Ohio
  2. Florida
  3. Tennessee
  4. Missouri
  5. Michigan
  6. Oklahoma
  7. North Dakota
  8. South Dakota
  9. Arkansas
  10. Nebraska

However, if you live in one of the following states, you need to obtain a permit if you want to keep a fox as a pet –

  1. Utah (only red fox is allowed)
  2. North Carolina (all foxes)
  3. Indiana (all foxes)
  4. New York (Only Fennec Fox allowed)
  5. Kentucky (allowed only if the animal is obtained within the state)
  6. Wyoming (swift, red fox, and grey fox only)

However, In Canada, foxes are considered to be wild animals and as such as protected under the wildlife act. Hence, in Canada, it is illegal to own foxes as a pet.

In addition, you should also remember that Canadian Marble Fox is a wild animal and it is not supposed to be domesticated. They are quite unpredictable and may cause harm to you and your family members. Foxes are not like dogs and cannot be trained to get along with pets and small children and may get aggressive and attack them.

Canadian Marble foxes also require a lot of space. A large hutch or cage, at least 6 feet by 3 feet, is recommended. They can also be kept in an outdoor enclosure with a shelter. Either way, the housing needs to be very secure to prevent escape, with small gauge wire mesh and a sturdy frame. So make sure you have ample space in your home to keep a pet fox before searching for Canadian marble fox for sale.

But you should also remember that they are wild animals and they cannot stay domesticated for a long period of time and will escape if they get a chance. So if you are planning on adopting a Canadian Marble fox, you must consider all these factors beforehand.

Canadian Marble Fox: Cost and How to Buy

These rare and sought-after creatures come with a hefty price tag. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between $5,000 to $10,000 for a Canadian Marble Fox. This high cost is mainly due to their rarity and the strict regulations surrounding their ownership.

It’s also essential to factor in the additional expenses that come with owning a Canadian Marble Fox. These foxes require specialized care, including a proper enclosure, a diet that replicates their natural habitat, and regular veterinary check-ups. All of these factors contribute to the overall cost of owning one of these magnificent creatures.

When you search for where can I buy a Canadian marble fox, you will get a lot of options on the internet. But it is crucial to do thorough research and only purchase from licensed breeders or sellers who have a good reputation within the exotic pet community.

One option is to attend exotic pet expos or conventions where breeders and sellers showcase their animals. Here, you can meet experienced breeders who specialize in Canadian Marble Foxes and get a chance to see the animals up close before making a purchase.

Final Thoughts!  

If your heart is set on getting a Canadian Marble Fox as a pet, then you should remember that it is a wild animal and therefore it will be quite challenging to keep one as a pet.

Therefore, you need to go in with realistic expectations and must have an in-depth understanding of the breed. It will enable you to take proper care of the breed. You also need to understand that owning an exotic pet like the Canadian Marble Fox is a huge responsibility. Therefore, you must be willing to commit the time and resources required to take care of one.


Shreyasi Datta

Meet Shreyasi with her 7-year experience as a pet parent to a handsome Golden retriever, who she claims is the love of her life. Found with her nose buried deep in photos of cute cats and dogs on the internet when she’s not busy cuddling with her fur-child, you can trust her to answer all your queries as a first-time pet parent! From possible signs of canine and feline diseases to finding the best treats and supplement for your fur baby, Shreyasi has an answer for all things dogs and cats! Her dedication towards pet wellness is worthy of a PhD in Pet Companionship!

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