Blue German Shepherd: A Complete Breed Profile

Blue German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. But often, it is thought that this dog breed comes only in black and tan color. However, that is not the case. The German Shepherd is the step breed that has many branches.

Out of all the branches, Blue German Shepherd is the rarest. With the same temperament and characteristics, this dog breed is the newest addition to the German Shepherd family.

In this guide below, we will talk about the German Shepherd and try to cover every aspect. 

What Is A Blue German Shepherd?

What Is A Blue German Shepherd

A Blue German Shepherd is the diluted Black Shepherd. It has both recessive genes that dilute the color of its fur. So, unlike the traditional German Shepherd with brown and beige, the Blue Shepherd has a dark blue or faded grey color to their coat.

The faded coat color makes it easy for people to identify them. However, the coat color of a Blue German Shepherd does not remain the same throughout their life. In fact, the color changes in three different phases. 

  • Blue to Beige.
  • Blue to Black.
  • Blue to Sable.

Despite their appearance, a Blue German Shepherd has the same temperament, physical characteristics, and health concerns as a traditional German Shepherd.

History Of Blue German Shepherd

The origin of the German Shepherd comes from a herding dog, but after being recognized by Captain Max Von, their behaviors and characteristics have been amplified. Today, German Shepherds have established themselves to be the best working dogs by taking job roles as guide dogs, Search & Rescue dogs, Military dogs, and family dogs.

History Of Blue German Shepherd

There are several color variations of German Shepherd. The Blue German Shepherd is considered to be rarest. Although German Shepherd dogs are considered the best, being blue is a serious fault in the eyes of the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Breed Origin

To understand the Blue German Shepherd origin, we must start our journey by understanding the German Shepherd Origin. 

Breed Origin

German Shepherd is a dog breed that was used in herding. Despite being used for simple tasks, they showcased exceptional intelligence and loyalty. These characteristics caught the eye of Captain von Stephanitz. He bought the dog and decided to breed to create a new breed of dogs perfect for working.

Captain Von Stephanitz adopted the dog and named Horand, and created the first breed standard for the German Shepherd Breed.

Characteristics Of A Blue German Shepherd Dog

Before moving to the characteristics, let us make this clear. A blue German Shepherd is not a mixed breed; it is simply the result of the gene variation of the standard German Shepherd Dog. Therefore, the Blue German Shepherd is not different from the traditional German Shepherd and carries the same temperament and characteristics.

Characteristics Of A Blue German Shepherd Dog

However, Blue German Shepherd are rare and far more expensive than a regular German Shepherd. For instance, you can expect to pay somewhere between $300 to $700 for a regular German Shepherd Puppy. But, on the other hand, you might have to pay somewhere around $1500 for a Blue German Shepherd Puppy.

Appearance Of A Blue German Shepherd

Other than the color of the coat, a Blue German Shepherd is similar to a traditional German Shepherd. The male will weigh between 60 to 90 pounds and 24 to 26 inches in height from paw to shoulder. The female will weigh between 50 to 75 pounds and 22 to 24 inches in height.

Appearance Of A Blue German Shepherd

Coming on to their coats, there are two types of coats: Long and Short-haired coats. The long-haired coat has a double coat. The undercoat is soft and thin, while the outer coat is thick and waxy.

Personalities Of Blue German Shepherd

Personalities Of Blue German Shepherd

Naturally, all dogs have personalities and traits that make them different from others. However, the Blue German Shepherd shares the same personality as the regular German Shepherd dogs.

Blue Color Genetics

The color of the Blue German Shepherd is the dilute variation of the traditional Black Shepherd. Geneticists often use the term dilute when referring to the variation that affects the color. For example, the dilution gene affects the coat color but also changes the color of the eyes and nose.


The German Shepherd is favorably the most loved family pet. This is no different for the Blue German Shepherd. In fact, because of its rare color, people actually like to have one for themselves. The Blue German Shepherd is known to be affectionate with the family members and loves to cuddle around on the sofa.

This especially stands true for their master. German Shepherds are also called one-man-dogs because they tend to show more affection towards its master or to the people whom he sees as the main caregiver.

The Blue German Shepherd shares the same confidence trait and has guarding tendencies. As long as they are socially trained, they can be utilized in the family environment.


The average lifespan expectancy of a Blue German Shepherd is 9 to 13 years. 

Health Issues

Health Issues

Because of inbreeding, there are many common German Shepherd health problems. Of course, not all health problems are related to inbreeding; some are related to the size of the Dog.

Here are some of the most common health problems a Blue German Shepherd faces:

  • Hip Dysplasia: Hip Dysplasia is quite common in German Shepherd Dogs. It is a health issue that results in weak body joints and restricts the doing from moving its body.
  • Elbow Dysplasia: Like Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia is a congenital condition that affects a large breed of dogs. Most often, this health issue is caused by bad genetics.
  • Bloat: It is a gastric problem that happens when the dog eats too much food and then does too much physical activity. When this happens, and the dog cannot dispel the gas, the pressure of the Bloat makes it difficult for the dog to breathe.
  • Cataracts: It is one of the health issues with Dogs that is common to humans. As Blue German Shepherd age, they become Prone to cataracts. Most owners can tell this issue because of the cloudy eyes of the dog.
  • Allergies: A Blue German Shepherd is more susceptible to allergies than other breeds. The allergies can be due to grass of a certain kind or simply a type of food. Feeding the 

Some Other Health Issues Are:

  • Dental problems.
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Thyroid issues.
  • Bladder stones.
  • Nose Infection.
  • Panosteitis
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy.

Food Diet

The Blue Shepherd is a large dog. Experts recommend the owner feed 20 calories per pound of their body weight. That means you need to feed them around 1500 calories.

When a Blue German Shepherd is a puppy, they need to be fed at least 4-5 times a day. This is particularly important for the larger breed of dogs as they are more prone to Bloat. However, if you have a busy lifestyle, you can decrease the number of meals and maintain the calorie amount.

Daily Life

Now that we know all about their traits and diet, it is time to know how their daily life looks like. Like traditional German Shepherd, Blue German Shepherd have care needs. They need at least 90 minutes of exercise that focus on sharpening their intelligence and physical activity.

Exercise & Training

Like any other German Shepherd, Blue German Shepherd is a medium energy dog and needs at least 60 minutes to 90 minutes of daily exercise. The exercise needs to be highly intensive and interactive.

Because of the guarding tendencies of the Blue German Shepherd, early socialization is important. It is crucial for the Shepherd to be exposed to different situations, sounds, and other dogs of all shapes and sizes. If you truly want to enjoy your time with your Dog, ensure to train him properly.

Training Advice

As we have already mentioned, the Blue German Shepherd is an intelligent dog. They were bred to work. Thus, they have the natural drive to learn new things. German Shepherds are loyal breeds and tend to suffer from separation anxiety. This problem can be treated by training your dog since they are puppies.

  • Try leaving your pup alone for a couple of minutes and praise them for their hard work with lots of gifts.
  • Over the next couple of months, train them accordingly to get them habituated to live a long period of time alone.

A lot of training guides will ask you to maintain a dominant stand while training. However, this method is outdated and leaves a negative effect on the Blue German Shepherd.


When we talk about German Shepherds, there is no way we will omit out their grooming. German Shepherds are a breed of dogs that need regular grooming because of the coat.

There are two types of German Shepherd Coats:

  • Short-Haired
  • Long-Haired

Long-haired Blue German Shepherds have a double coat. The inner coat is thin and smooth. At the same time, the outer coat is thick and waxy. Due to the double coat, the coat of a German Shepherd shouldn’t be clipped as this can interfere with the heat regulation.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that a German Shepherd does not need regular bathing. Frequent bathing washes away the natural oil from the coat and makes the skin dry. Bathing your Blue German Shepherd once every couple of months will get the job done.

Coming to the short-haired German Shepherd, they tend to shed their coat more. Use a de-shading brush to brush through the undercoat.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. How Much Does A Blue German Shepherd Cost?

German Shepherd Dogs are extremely popular in America. The AKC Club lists this breed as the second most popular dog breed. They are one of the best dog breeds that everyone can recognize and name.
However, a well-bred German Shepherd costs around $800. The price rises if you are looking for a rare breed Blue German Shepherd Dog. to adopt a Blue German Shepherd Dog; you might have to pay Around $1200 – $1500.

Q2. Which Food Is Best For German Shepherd Puppies?

Dogs are carnivorous animals. That makes their major diet meat-based. You must feed your Blue German Shepherd high-quality dog food that has all the nutrients your dog needs. Table scrap can cause them digestive upset. Give them little food at a time so that they can digest without any issue.
Small pieces of biscuits or a dog’s Kimble might be a good option while training your dog. If you are feeding your high-quality dog food, mineral supplements are not necessary. However, adding some yogurt and cooked vegetables can be beneficial.

Q3. Why Does My German Shepherd Have A Bluetongue?

If you are a German Shepherd owner, do not get surprised after seeing a blue spot on your dog’s tongue. It is simply the result of gene mutation. They are similar to birthmarks on humans.
The change in pigmentation comes with age. In fact, the tongue is not the only part that is affected. You simply cannot see the other parts due to the coat.

Q4. Why Does The US Military Not Use Blue German Shepherds?

The US military does not use the Blue German Shepherd and considers them to be defective breeds of the German Shepherd family. The AKC believes that they lack the necessary courage and intelligence needed to be in the military force.
If you want to know about military breeds of dogs, you can use this comprehensive guide – Top 10 Best Military Dog Breeds.

Final Thoughts

Other than the color of the Blue German Shepherd, there are hardly any differences between a regular Gemena Shepherd and a Blue German Shepherd. Being considered a faulty color, it is mostly used as a family pet. Because of their Blue Color, they are rare, and hence, don’t be surprised if you are put on hold for a puppy.

However, if you are more into the performance of the German Shepherd is known for, it would be best to go for a darker and more traditional German Shepherd.

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Sharmita Shee

Sharmita is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas and experiences with the world through blogging. She is a contributor of Top preference , big jar news , Smart Business Daily, associated with The Legal Guides, The Dating Dairy, The Bitcoin Magazine, Essay Writing Guides, The Cbd Magazine, The Casino Magazine, Get Me Seen, Top Preference, Big Jar News, The Parents Magazine, The Sports Mag, The Pets Magazine , Okey Magazine, Global Business Diary, Small Business Journals, Money Outlined , The Global Magazine & Lawyers Inventory.

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