AAWL Community Vet Clinic

(Review : 4.5/5  )

Business Name AAWL Community Vet Clinic
Website aawl
E-mail marketing@aawl.org
Phone 602 358-7267
GMB Link GMB Brand Page
Address 30 N 40th Pl Phoenix AZ 85034
Business Description Espa ol Contact Blog Cart AAWL SPCA s Forms 990 are viewable on guidestar org View our Privacy Policy Arizona Animal Welfare League is a proud recipient of funding from Maddie s Fund www maddiesfund org helping to achieve a no-kill nation ThanksToMaddie Read more blog articles The mission of AAWL is to provide excellent care protection and loving compassion for the life of the animals entrusted to us and to take a leadership role in promoting humane values for the benefit of all animals and people Arizona Animal Welfare League 25 North 40th St Phoenix AZ 85034 Phone 602-273-6852 Tax ID 23-7149453 AAWL is a registered 501c3 non-profit Arizona s Oldest Largest No-Kill Shelter A no-kill shelter is an animal shelter that does not kill healthy or treatable animals even when the shelter is full reserving euthanasia for terminally ill animals or those considered dangerous to public safety Shelter Hours of Operations Monday Closed Tuesday 11 30am to 6 00pm Wednesday 11 30am to 6 00pm Thursday 11 30am to 6 00pm Friday 11 30am to 6 00pm Saturday 10 30am to 6 00pm Sunday 11 30am to 6 00pm Join our email list to stay up-to-date on what s going on at the Arizona Animal Welfare League