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Top 10 Hypoallergenic Dogs For Allergy sufferers!

Hypoallergenic Dogs

Dog allergies are a common issue, affecting millions of people worldwide. Symptoms can range from mild sniffling and itchy eyes to severe respiratory distress and asthma attacks. 

The severity of an allergic reaction depends on various factors, including the individual’s sensitivity level, exposure duration, and the amount of allergen present.

The primary culprit behind dog allergies is a protein present in a dog’s dander, saliva, and urine. When these proteins become airborne, they can trigger an immune response in allergic individuals, leading to unpleasant symptoms.

So, if you’re an allergy sufferer, the term “hypoallergenic dogs” might sound like a dream come true for you. So, let’s get ready to meet some hypoallergenic dogs!

Why Should You Get a Hypoallergenic Dog?

Despite the challenges of dog allergies, many allergy sufferers still dream of owning a furry companion. Hypoallergenic dogs can be a good solution to their dilemma. These are breeds that are less likely to trigger allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to pet dander, saliva, or hair. 

However, it’s important to note that no dog is truly 100% hypoallergenic. The term simply refers to breeds that produce less of the proteins that cause allergic reactions in humans. As we mentioned before, the main cause of dog allergy is a type of protein that is present in their dander (dead skin cells), saliva, and urine

Some breeds shed less fur and produce less dander, making them more suitable for allergy sufferers. While no dog is completely allergen-free, hypoallergenic breeds allow allergy sufferers to experience the joy of pet ownership while minimizing the risk of severe allergic reactions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hypoallergenic Dog

While hypoallergenic dogs can be a great option for allergy sufferers, it’s essential to consider several factors before deciding. Here are some key considerations:

  • The severity of your allergies: If you have severe allergies, it’s crucial to consult with an allergist or veterinarian to determine the best breed for your specific condition.
  • Grooming requirements: Many hypoallergenic breeds require regular grooming to minimize shedding and dander production. Ensure you have the time and resources to maintain their grooming needs.
  • Exercise and activity levels: Different breeds have varying energy levels and exercise requirements. Choose a breed that aligns with your lifestyle and activity preferences.
  • Living space: You should consider the size of your living space. Additionally, try to find out if the dog breed you want can comfortably adapt to your living situation or not.

The Top 10 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Now you know what causes dog allergy and the factors to consider while choosing a hypoallergenic dog. So, let’s explore the top 10 breeds that are comparatively more allergy-friendly than most other dog breeds.

Poodle (Standard, Miniature, and Toy)

Poodle dog

Poodles are the gold standard for hypoallergenic dogs. They have a unique, curly, and low-shedding coat that sheds very little. The dense, curly hair also traps dander and stops it from becoming airborne. Compared to other dog breeds, Poodles produce fewer allergenic proteins in their skin and saliva.

In addition, Poodles are intelligent, active, and make excellent companions. It is because of their versatility, they perform various roles, such as service and therapy dogs.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NamePoodle
County of OriginGermany
HeightToy: Up to 10 inches; Miniature: 10 to 15 inches; Standard: Over 15 inches
WeightToy: 4 to 6 pounds; Miniature: 10 to 15 pounds; Standard: 40 to 70 pounds
Coat Type and ColorCurly, long coat; Colors: Apricot, black, blue, brown, cafe au lait, cream, gray, red, silver, silver beige, white
Lifespan10 to 18 years
TemperamentIntelligent, affectionate, active
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires regular physical and mental stimulation
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular grooming to prevent matting and maintain coat health

Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dog

Originally bred as a working dog, the Portuguese Water Dog has a hypoallergenic, curly coat. They are known for their exceptional swimming abilities and were historically used by fishermen to herd fish into nets and retrieve lost tackles. They are great companions for active families and individuals.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NamePortuguese Water Dog
County of OriginPortugal
Height17 to 23 inches
Weight35 to 60 pounds
Coat Type and ColorCurly or wavy coatColors: Black, brown, black or brown with white markings
Lifespan11 to 14 years
TemperamentIntelligent, energetic, affectionate, and loyal
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires regular physical activity and mental stimulation
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular grooming to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a larger breed known for its distinctive beard and mustache that makes them look wise and responsible. They were originally bred in Germany for herding cattle and guarding livestock. Later on, their duties also expanded to include roles in police and military work.

They also make excellent watchdogs. It is their history as a working dog and their intelligence and trainability that enables them to excel in all their roles.

Their wiry, low-shedding coat makes them a good choice for allergy sufferers. The standard and the miniature schnauzer versions are also considered hypoallergenic.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameGiant Schnauzer
County of OriginGermany
Height23.5 to 27.5 inches
Weight55 to 95 pounds
Coat Type and ColorDense, wiry double coat<br>Colors: Solid black, pepper and salt
Lifespan10 to 12 years
TemperamentIntelligent, loyal, protective, and energetic
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires vigorous daily exercise and mental stimulation
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular brushing and professional grooming to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hounds are known for their elegant appearance and independent and dignified nature. Initially bred by the bedouin people, these dogs go back thousands of years and were used for hunting in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan, which explains their agility and endurance. 

These dogs have a long, silky coat that produces minimal dander and are therefore great for people with allergies. Afghan Hounds have a distinctive topknot of long hair on their heads and a ring curl at the end of their tails.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameAfghan Hound
County of OriginAfghanistan
Height25 to 27 inches
Weight50 to 60 pounds
Coat Type and ColorLong, silky coat; Colors: Black, black & tan, blue, blue & cream, cream, red, silver, white, and more
Lifespan12 to 14 years
TemperamentAloof, dignified, independent, and sometimes clownish
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires regular physical activity and mental stimulation
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular grooming, including weekly baths and brushing to prevent matting and tangling



The Maltese is a small, gentle breed with a long, silky coat that sheds minimally. They are affectionate, playful, and adapt well to apartment living. 

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameMaltese
County of OriginMediterranean region, specifically the island of Malta
Height7 to 9 inches
WeightUp to 7 pounds
Coat Type and ColorLong, silky coat            Color: Pure white
Lifespan12 to 15 years
TemperamentGentle, affectionate, intelligent, playful, and lively
Exercise NeedsModerate; enjoys short walks and playtime
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular brushing and grooming to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier has a unique, soft, and hypoallergenic coat. They are friendly, energetic, and make excellent family companions.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameSoft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
County of OriginIreland
Height17 to 19 inches
Weight30 to 40 pounds
Coat Type and ColorWavy, silky, medium-length coat; Color: Wheaten (gold)
Lifespan12 to 14 years
TemperamentFriendly, lively, affectionate, and playful
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires regular physical activity and mental stimulation
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular grooming to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise dog

Bichon Frises are known for their charming personalities and hypoallergenic coats. This makes them great companions for families and individuals suffering from allergies.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameBichon Frise
County of OriginMediterranean region, specifically Spain and Italy
Height9.5 to 11.5 inches
Weight12 to 18 pounds
Coat Type and ColorCurly, double coat; Color: White, sometimes with shades of apricot, buff, or cream
Lifespan14 to 15 years
TemperamentPlayful, affectionate, cheerful, and gentle
Exercise NeedsModerate; enjoys daily walks and playtime
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular grooming, including brushing and trimming to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniel

As the name suggests, Irish Water Spaniel originated from Ireland. They are one of the oldest and rarest spaniel breed. This breed was developed in the 19th century by crossing various water spaniels. Their main purpose was to use them for retrieving game from water, thanks to their excellent swimming skills.

Additionally, the Irish Water Spaniel have a dense, curly, liver-colored coat that is water-resistant and hypoallergenic. But the drawback is that their coat requires a lot of grooming to prevent matting.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameIrish Water Spaniel
County of OriginIreland
Height21 to 24 inches
Weight45 to 68 pounds
Coat Type and ColorCurly, dense, water-resistant coat; Color: Liver (brown)
Lifespan12 to 13 years
TemperamentPlayful, affectionate, loyal, intelligent, and eager to please
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires vigorous daily exercise and enjoys activities like swimming and fetching
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular grooming to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers are popular for their unique lamb-like appearance and lively personality. This is mainly due to the fact that these Terriers have a distinctive, wool-like coat that sheds minimally. In addition to their adorable looks, Bedlington Terriers are great as family pets, because they are protective and affectionate with their loved ones.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameBedlington Terrier
County of OriginEngland
Height15 to 17.5 inches
Weight17 to 23 pounds
Coat Type and ColorCurly, woolly coat; Colors: Blue, liver, sandy, and combinations with tan
Lifespan12 to 14 years
TemperamentAffectionate, energetic, intelligent, and loyal
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires regular physical activity and mental stimulation
Grooming NeedsHigh; requires regular grooming every 6-8 weeks to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Lagotto Romagnolo

Lagotto Romagnolo

It is thought that the Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed has existed for around for thousands of years. They hail from the Romagna region in Northern Italy. Originally, the breed was used for waterfowl hunting. Then in the 19th century, these dogs were slowly transitioned to hunting for truffles, a role they excelled at due to their excellent sense of smell. These dogs are intelligent, affectionate and make great companions for active families and individuals.

Key PointsDescription
Breed NameLagotto Romagnolo
County of OriginItaly
Height16 to 19 inches
Weight24 to 35 pounds
Coat Type and ColorCurly, dense, water-resistant coat; Colors: Brown, orange, white, and combinations of these colors
Lifespan11 to 14 years
TemperamentLively, affectionate, intelligent, and eager to please
Exercise NeedsModerate to high; enjoys activities like running, jumping, swimming, and fetching
Grooming NeedsModerate to high; requires regular grooming to maintain coat health and prevent matting

Tips for Caring for Hypoallergenic Dogs and Reduce Allergens in Your Home

Tips for caring for hypoallergenic dogs and reduce allergens in your home

While hypoallergenic dogs can be a great option for allergy sufferers, proper care and maintenance are crucial to minimize allergen exposure.

Here are some tips to help reduce allergens and create a more allergy-friendly environment:

Regular grooming

Most hypoallergenic breeds require regular grooming to remove loose hair, dander, and other allergens from their coat. Hence you should brush, bathe, and trim your dog as frequently as possible to reduce allergens in your home.

Vacuuming and cleaning

Frequently Vacuum and clean your living spaces, including your carpet and furniture, to remove any loose pet hair or dander.

Limit access to certain areas

Restrict your dog’s access to certain rooms or areas of your home, such as bedrooms, to minimize allergen exposure in those spaces.

Wipe down surfaces

Regularly wipe down surfaces, including furniture and floors, to remove any accumulated dander or hair.

Consider air purifiers

Air purifiers with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters can help remove airborne allergens, including pet dander, from your living spaces.

Wash bedding regularly

Wash your bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and blankets, in hot water weekly to eliminate allergens.

Limit fabric surfaces

Opt for hard, non-porous surfaces that are easier to clean and less likely to accumulate allergens.

Consult with an allergist

If you have severe allergies, consult with an allergist to develop a comprehensive plan for managing your symptoms and minimizing allergen exposure.

Remember, no dog is truly 100% hypoallergenic. But some dog breeds sport low-shedding coat which means less dander. This can significantly reduce the severity of allergic symptoms, allowing you to experience the joys of pet ownership.

Consequently, if you’re an allergy sufferer considering getting a hypoallergenic dog breed. We also highly recommend consulting with a veterinarian or allergist to determine the best hypoallergenic dogs for your specific needs.


Shreyasi Datta

Meet Shreyasi with her 7-year experience as a pet parent to a handsome Golden retriever, who she claims is the love of her life. Found with her nose buried deep in photos of cute cats and dogs on the internet when she’s not busy cuddling with her fur-child, you can trust her to answer all your queries as a first-time pet parent! From possible signs of canine and feline diseases to finding the best treats and supplement for your fur baby, Shreyasi has an answer for all things dogs and cats! Her dedication towards pet wellness is worthy of a PhD in Pet Companionship!

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