Cat Coronavirus Makes Debut In UK

The United Kingdom has been able to identify the very first case of a dangerous cat coronavirus, which killed around 8000 felines earlier this year in Cyprus.
Early in January this year, Cyprus witnessed the death of 8000 cats due to FIP or feline infectious peritonitis. For the ones who don’t know, Cyprus is a Mediterranean island that was nicknamed as the ‘island of cats.’
So, What Is FIP?
FIP, or feline infectious peritonitis, is a common problem caused by a certain kind of cat covid, typically characterized by lethargy, swollen bellies, and fevers. Unless treated, the issue can easily turn dangerous for your cat.
The most recent infection of this sort has been identified in one cat that was brought from Cyprus to the United Kingdom after the cat showed symptoms. On displaying symptoms, the cat was immediately sent for multiple tests as well as treatments by its owner.
In a recent study that was published on a standard preprint website (not peer-reviewed as of now), researchers spoke about the new infectious strain as a blend of existing canine coronavirus and feline coronavirus. So far, there has been no link to COVID-19.
The combination actually includes the particular cat virus somehow getting hold of the spike protein present in dog pathogen. This obviously makes the whole thing so much more infectious, as per scientists from Cyprus and the UK. Everyone has already issued a warning of a massive risk related to the outbreak and spreading of this virus among cats.
The UK-based research Team Has Something To Add:
The UK-based research team said, “We report the emergence of a novel, highly pathogenic FCoV-CCoV recombinant responsible for a rapidly spreading outbreak of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), originating in Cyprus. This is exemplified by the recent confirmation of a first UK-imported case, with further investigations into other cases ongoing.
If the cat has not traveled to Cyprus or been in contact with other cats that have visited Cyprus, the risk is minimal. The cats develop the classic signs of FIP with an enlarged abdomen and can also be off their food. Occasionally, they may display neurological clinical signs or experience difficulty breathing. In the presence of suspected clinical signs, owners are advised to promptly contact their veterinarian for assessment and guidance.”
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