Home Remedies For Dog Scooting: Natural Ways To Keep Your Pup Healthy And Happy

Have you ever seen your dog acting as if it is wiping something off its bum or sliding across the floor? Anyone who is a first-time parent can get distressed when they see this kind of behavior and know what it means. This is scooting.
This might seem weird or silly at times, but something the matter is more serious than you know. They may slide across furniture, the grass, or the floor. There are simple home remedies for dog scooting that you can try before going to the vet.
What can be the possible reasons for scooting?
Dogs generally scoot their bum to get temporary relief from the feeling of discomfort in the rear end. There can be certain reasons why this is happening. Let’s check those out.
1. Food allergies

Our furry friends can be allergic to some kinds of foods, or they can develop allergies during season changes. Some dogs often develop an allergy to soy or wheat after a constant rate of consumption, popularly known as soy allergy or wheat allergy.
If you notice something like this, then change the diet for a while to be sure if that is the situation, and if needed, consult a vet.
2. Skin infections and skin diseases
They can have skin allergies as well if there is an abnormal overgrowth of yeast. This can cause inflammation as well as dermatitis. These allergies can later turn into skin diseases like Malassezia dermatitis or yeast dermatitis.

This can become itchy and make the skin dry and flakey, which results in scooting. The area around the anus gets red and itchy and can also cause inflammation. To get relief, they scoot their bum.
3. Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites can be another possible reason for scooting. You may notice them scooting more after they have pooped. This is because of the parasite infections. These kinds of infections cause gastrointestinal issues in dogs.

This is not something that can be understood right away. And by the time pet owners realize this, the infection becomes severe. So it’s better to check their mouth and bum if this has been happening for a few days.
4. Poop or dirt on their bum
Dogs can start scooting if they have something on their bum. It can be dirt or soil which they have got while they were playing in the backyard. Or something when your furry friend is sick or has got diarrhea, they can have some stool left on their behind. They can scoot and try to clean it.

Just give them a relaxing bath, and that can help them get rid of the dirt they have on their behind. This should relax them. If not, then it is something else.
5. Constipation
It is uncomfortable and painful when dogs have a difficult time pooping. To get some relief for the time being, they scoot their bum.

If you see a change in their pooping routine and notice them scooting at home, then it can be because of their diet. Change the diet and see if it helps your dog or not.
6. Clogged anal glands

Anal gland issues can make a pet uncomfortable, and they can have problems while lying down and sitting down. They tend to move around a lot because of the pain and pressure they feel on their bum while sitting down from the fluid that is inside the gland.
Home remedies for dog scooting
To begin with, check your dog first to find out the issue; then, you can move over to home remedies for dog scooting. There can be many reasons behind scooting, and figuring out the exact reason would help you to treat them. How to soothe dog irritated anus?
Let’s check out the home remedies.
1. Cleaning their bum regularly
This is the basic thing to do every day. If their bum is dirty after pooping or if they have put dirt on them, then they can try scooting their bottom against the floor or carpet. If it is there for more than an hour, then it can become itchy and can cause discomfort.

Clean them after they have pooped and give them a bath if you think they have soiled while playing. This can help them get rid of the itchiness.
2. Anti-inflammatory treatment
Sometimes your furry friend can get redness and inflammation at the rear end. This can happen because of some kind of skin irritation. Using an anti-inflammatory would help a lot in this situation. Something like witch hazel would help a lot.

Put some witch hazel on a cotton pad and use it on your furry friend and see the change. It’s best to use alcohol-free witch hazel, or if your vet suggests any other kind of anti-inflammatory, then you can go for that as well. You can also try Vaseline and Neosporin.
3. Express the anal gland
I know it sounds tricky for first-time dog owners, but learning how to do this will help your furry baby a lot. Something they don’t clear the anal glands because of the discomfort it causes, and thus the gland swells us. This is when they start scooting a lot.

You can clear this sack manually with your fingers. Be careful and gentle with them, and do not squeeze them too hard because that can cause a lot of pain and bleeding.
4. Warm Compress
This is one of the most natural home remedies for dog scooting. A warm compress can help with the inflammation. Just take a bowl of warm water and add some Epsom salt to it. Dip a soft cloth in it and get rid of the excess water, and then put it in your dog’s bum.
Press the cloth against their bum and repeat the process for five to ten minutes. This will help with inflammation and discomfort.
5. Tracking their weight
If your dog has an issue of being overweight or obese, then you have to keep that on track when they are having these scooting problems. When the glands get swollen, then your fur baby is at risk of developing some metabolic disease.

So if you see that they are gaining weight, take them out for regular exercise because losing a pound or so would help them with their metabolism.
7. Give them fiber-rich foods

For a healthy digestive system, fiber-rich foods are very important. This helps in improving their bowel movements. This will help them get rid of constipation as well. You can give him a diet that your vet has suggested, or you can buy ready-made dog food as well.
8. Keeping them hydrated
Be it any season, keeping them hydrated is a must. If they are dehydrated, they can have skin irritations, cracked and dry skin which will ultimately lead to scooting. This will keep them healthy, and this kind of problem can be avoided.

This is a very basic home remedy for scooting. You just have to know if they have enough water and what is the exact problem behind this scooting.
How To Express The Anal Glands At Home
Here is a step by step guide on how to express the Anal Glands at home:
Step 1: Gather materials like wet wipes, paper towels and disposable gloves and any other absorbent material that will help in soaking up the liquid. In addition, you will need petroleum jelly, trash bag and towel. Also make sure to have some treats at hand to keep your dog occupied.
Step 2: Expressing the anal glands of a dog is a messy business. So you should select an appropriate spot to express the glands. It is best to do it in your backyard or any other place where you can quickly clean and get rid of the smelly liquid.Â
Step 3: If you are planning on expressing your dog’s anal glands at home, then you should ask another person to help you. Irrespective of the size of your dog, expressing the anal glands is a two-person job. The second person will help to comfort the dog, give them treats to distract them, and stop them from moving a lot while you are expressing the glands.Â
Make sure that this person is someone your dog likes such as another family member. This is because even a dog with the gentlest tempers wont feel comfortable with someone (even if its their favorite person in the world) touching their private parts.
Step 4: Lead your dog to the chosen spot. Give your dog their favourite treat or a toy to distract them . In the meantime, ask the second person present to firmly (but not in a way that hurts your dog) hold your dog.Â
Step 5: Use one hand to hold up your dog’s tail so that you have easy access to their anus. Smear some petroleum jelly on your gloved fingers (the thumb and index finger) and place them as gently as possible inside your dog’s anus. In dogs, the anal sacs are situated on both sides of the anus. Depending on how inflammed and swollen the anal glands are, they will be either like the size of a grape or a pea.
Step 6: Place a paper towel on the floor and another one behind your dog. Start with one gland at a time. Using your index finger gently push one of the gland towards the anus opening. Then gently squeeze the gland using your thumb to release the smelly brown liquid.
Step 7: Squeeze the gland gently but thoroughly until there is no liquid left inside. Once you are done with one gland, repeat the same process with the other one.Â
Step 8: Remember to take as much time as needed, especially if your dog is feeling stressed. Give them treats and lots of encouragement and positive affirmations throughout the process.
Step 9: Pay attention to the liquid coming out of your dog’s anal glands. The liquid should be light to dark brown in color. The consistency of the fluid can be watery to slightly jelly like. If your dog’s gland has not been expressed for a while, it may be slightly thicker.Â
However, if the fluid is very chunky, or if it is green, yellow, grey in color or contains pus or blood, then it can be a sign of infection. In such a case, collect a sample and contact your vet.
Step 10: Once both the glands have been expressed thoroughly, gently wipe your dog’s bottom with a washcloth and soapy warm water. Dont forget to give your dog lots of treats once you are done.
Wrapping up!
So to wrap it up, all you need to do is keep a check and figure out the exact reason behind their scooting. Giving them pumpkin is also a home remedy among many home remedies for dog scooting. Foods which is rich in fiber are good for dogs, like carrots, oatmeal, bananas, and sweet potato.
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