Essential Life Skills To Teach Your Dog

Training your dog is one of the most rewarding aspects of pet ownership. Not only does it strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend, but it also ensures their safety and well-being. Whether you have a playful puppy or a mature dog, teaching them essential commands is crucial both for your safety and your own.
In this article, we’ll explore the fundamental commands every dog should know, why they’re important, and how to effectively teach them. From “sit” to “stay,” these commands will help you communicate better with your dog and make daily interactions smoother and more enjoyable.
Top 5 Life Skills Your Dog Need To Be Taught:
One of the most important things you need to do after getting a dog is teach them basic obedience commands, which can also be referred to as life skills for dogs.
Here are some basic obedience commands that your dog should be familiar with.
1. Come command:

Over the years of owning various dog breeds, one thing I have found common among all of them is the excitement when I take them for walks. It may be because I stay in an apartment, and they wait to go outdoors several times a day.
I have owned many large breed dogs like golden retrievers and labradors that are highly energetic and strong, and a few medium-sized breeds like a cockapoo, which can get enthusiastic when taken out for walks.
It becomes essential to also give these high-energy dogs some off-leash time, but one of the main concerns related to their safety is, what if they go far away or get themselves in danger? The dog must learn to listen to you when you want them to return to you. This is why teaching them the ‘come’ command is essential.
Here are some tips you can follow:
- You can teach them the command at home initially by offering them treats every time they listen to the command and come to you.
- You can use a retractable leash initially to let them go a little far before you use the command to call them closer.
If your dog learns the command quickly, encourage them to follow it by feeding them their favorite treat.
Over time, when they learn the command well, you can trust them with off-leash time. Ensure to use the command often so it gets ingrained in their mind.
2. Stop command:

Another command that is life-saving when you take your dog outside is the stop command. This should be taught to the dog so that if you see them approaching danger or feeding on something dangerous, you can stop them immediately.
When you walk your dog, if you see an approaching vehicle, you can use this command so that they stay still till the car passes, or if your dog sees some food on the floor, which it is about to eat, then you can stop it immediately.
We should train them to let go of what they are doing when they use the command immediately. For this training, you need to spend a little extra time and put in more effort, but with persistence, the dog will eventually learn its meaning and practice it.
3. No Command:

If you plan on banning things from the dog, like begging for dog food or climbing on furniture, they should know the meaning of the ‘No’ command. This means the dog understands this behavior is not appreciated and that they need to stop.
This command comes in handy when you want the dog to behave well at home and in public. Just like you let the dog know from time to time they are appreciated, you should teach them this command to understand what habit of theirs is not appreciated.
4. To Avoid Eating Food Lying Around:

This is one skill that is tough for the dog to adopt, but they should learn it anyway. I have heard of several incidences where a dog ate something from the dustbin, food from the floor, or food thrown in the yard by a neighbor, which is dangerous for dogs. A few people deliberately throw dangerous things in the yard to make the dog sick. Many dogs lose their lives because of such incidents.
Hence, you should protect your fur baby from mishaps by teaching them how it is only appropriate to eat food when you offer it through your hands or in their bowl. They should be taught not to feed off the floor ever and even not to accept any threat from an outsider till you give them the command. This will also save them from getting kidnapped or sick.
5. Proper Behavior With Other Dogs and Cats:

It is a common scenario when you go out with your dog, and suddenly, the dog pulls hard on the leash as it wants to chase a cat that has suddenly appeared on the road. The dog’s instinct to chase the cat can get hit by a car, or the dog can get lost during the chase. In addition, the cat can be aggressive, too, which might hurt your dog. This could lead to accidents, too, which could be dangerous.
Why Should You Teach Basic Obedience Commands to Your Dog?
Teaching basic obedience commands to your dog is essential for several reasons:
- Safety: Commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” can prevent your dog from running into dangerous situations, such as traffic or hazardous areas.
- Better Communication: These commands help establish a clear line of communication between you and your dog, making it easier to understand each other and reducing frustration.
- Socialization: Well-trained dogs are more likely to be welcomed in public places and social settings, as they are less likely to exhibit problematic behaviors.
- Bonding: Training sessions are a great way to spend quality time with your dog, strengthening your bond and building trust.
- Mental Stimulation: Learning new commands keeps your dog mentally engaged and can help prevent boredom-related behaviors like chewing or excessive barking.
- Foundation for Advanced Training: Basic commands lay the groundwork for more advanced training and activities, such as agility, therapy work, or even fun tricks.
Overall, teaching your dog basic obedience commands is a crucial step in ensuring a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted pet.
The Bottom Line
Any obedience training needs a lot of patience and practice. You should start by training the dog inside the house, then take it outside and start practicing the same commands. Dogs react better to training indoors than outdoors due to minimized distractions. It makes sense to ensure they are trained enough to respond the same in a distracting environment as well, which is the most essential part of any obedience training.
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