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The Dumbest Dog Breeds: Are They Really Unintelligent? 

Dumbest Dog Breeds

Ranking dogs’ intelligence is not even across breeds. Some are great at obedience and problem-solving, while others don’t train as well or pick up commands as well.

It’s not fair to call a dog “dumb,” though—there are so many of these breeds with some wonderful qualities that make them great companions.

Dogs demonstrate various kinds of intelligence, ranging from working intelligence (obedience), instinctive intelligence (inborn instinct), and adaptive intelligence (problem-solving ability).

Some breeds can flunk obedience tests but perform well in other aspects, e.g., independent thinking, hunting, or trailing. Here, we examine some of the dumbest dog breeds, why they are considering dumber, and what they are famous for. 

1. Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is one of the most regal breeds of dogs, possessing its slim physique, smooth coat, and elegant face.

It was traditionally utilizing for hunting within the hilly nation of Afghanistan, where its speed and incredible eyesight allowed it to excel as a fine hunter.

Still, its distant and independent nature does not make it easy to train. Unlike other breeds that need human praise, Afghan Hounds prefer to reply independently, frustrating trainers who want obedience and responsiveness. 

Afghan Hounds are notoriously difficult to train as they have strong will and are independent. They usually disobey commands unless there is a definite reward for them. 

Afghan Hounds were bred to hunt independently and reach quick conclusions without human assistance.

Although this makes them seem untrainable in obedience competition, they are very good at agility and speed, demonstrating their intelligence differently. Their “dumb” reputation is based on stubbornness, not stupidity.

2. Basenji


The Basenji, or “barkless dog,” as it’s commonly known, is an intriguing breed with an interesting history. Developed in Central Africa, it was a hunting dog prized for its agility and speed in tracking and holding animals in check in extremely quick order.

Basenjis are unusual among many other breeds because they do not use barks to communicate but make specialized sounds. 

It is hard to train a Basenji because they are independent and stubborn and prefer to make decisions rather than listen to directions.

They have problem-solving abilities, but because they resist accepting the limitations of trained behavior, they seem less intelligent than they are.

Their intractability to hearing commands makes them look dumb, even though they are very resourceful.

Basenjis do very well when put through mental challenges, including puzzle toys and problem exercises that tax their intelligence.

Although they are not very easy to train traditionally, they possess survival intelligence and could be very smart at adapting to new things. 

3. Bulldog


Bulldogs are likely the most iconic breed of dog, known for their small size, wrinkled skin, and friendly temperament. They were bred originally to engage in bullbaiting, a lethal sport demanding that they be ferocious and muscular.

Once the sport, prohibiting the breed was selectively bred to become less ferocious in temperament, becoming the amiable and affectionate pets, we adore today.

Although they are such cute animals, Bulldogs are slow to learn and prone to stubbornness in training. Since they do not always respond quickly to commands, they must be treated carefully and with much repetition. 

Bulldogs do not easily respond to training because they are calm and stubborn. Bulldogs are also determining, often making people believe they are stupid.

They are not good at obeying dogs, but they adapt very well with their master’s and are excellent, loving companions. 

4. Chow Chow

Chow Chow

Chow Chows are ancient dog breeds from China that look like lions and possess independent attitudes. They were originally used for guarding, hunting, and even pulling sleds, so they are extremely versatile.

Yet they are extremely obstinate and, hence, not always ready to listen to commands. Compared with other intensely interactive dog breeds with human beings, Chow Chows are extremely independent and scarcely bothered about commands from their masters.

Their stubbornness makes them hard to train, and they couldn’t care less about making their owners happy.

Chow Chows are not dumb but need firm and consistent training. They like owners who establish themselves early. When not trained, they will be stubborn and hard to manage.

5. Borzoi


Borzoi means Russian Wolfhounds. Independent dogs, Borzois, were bred for hunting. Unlike working dogs, Borzois does all things independently. Therefore, it is more difficult to train them.

They are clever, but they prefer to do things independently and disobey, so they seem dumb.

6. Bloodhound


Bloodhounds have an incredible sense of smell, but when it comes to obedience, they are very obstinate and easily distracting.

They focus so much on a scent that they tend to tune out everything else. They are excellent trackers but slow to learn basic obedience.

7. Pekingese


They are strong-willed, stubborn, and toy-size. Royal lapdogs, who never had to obey commands from people or perform tasks in exchange for food, were never bred for that.

They are not trainable because they are independent and tend to disobey orders just because they don’t want to.

8. Beagle


Beagles are intelligent yet very stubborn. They inherit a splendid sense of smell and a hunting breed, so they are distracting easily by odors and listen to you.

It usually takes endless patience to train a Beagle because they are willing and easily distracted, making them seem dumb. 

9. Mastiffs


Mastiffs are huge gentle giants but sometimes also “dumb” since they are slow learners. They are lazy and very stubborn, making it hard to teach them, but they are very intelligent when it comes to guarding and protection instincts; they just don’t like to be obedient.

10. Basset Hound

Basset Hound

However, their nose is very good, but in obedience, Basset Hounds are stubborn and laid back. In a similar context to Bloodhounds, they get carried away by the odor and ignore the command given. They’re just more so lying around and lazy than more hyper dogs.

Are These Breeds Dumb?

The term “dog intelligence” is rooting largely in obedience and trainability. However, intelligence is not necessarily one kind.

Some dogs are not very good at learning to do something quickly, but they have specific talents like hunting, tracking, or solving problems. 

All of the so-called dumbest breeds are simply free thinkers who like to do things on their schedule.

If one of them is the first to come to mind, you will be amazed at how fast patience and rewarding training can get them to learn commands. 

Key Takeaways

Obedience is not the only indicator of intelligence. Several breeds excel in scent work, tracking, hunting, and puzzle-solving.

Independence isn’t stupid: Some dogs like to earn rewards themselves, not just on command, so they might look less trainable. 

Training does count: With patience and proper training techniques, even the most stubborn breeds can learn basic commands. 

Final Thoughts!

Though some breeds have been classified as the dumbest dog breeds, the truth is that dog intelligence can be as diverse. 

Where obedience is lacking, instinct and adaptive intelligence fill the gap. Most of these breeds were bred for a purpose that demands independence and problem-solving ability, as opposing to instant response to commands.

This kind of consciousness can assist future pet owners in better understanding their pets’ special characteristics and bestowing upon them the best type of care.

Ultimately, any dog, whether breed or not, can be a devoted and loving friend if provided with the proper environment and training.


Nabamita Sinha

Meet Nabamita, a first-time pet sibling of a beautiful 3-year old Indian breed pup named Bruno. Her love for dogs can be seen all over her social media accounts and also over the fact that she can't even walk a mile without petting every single dog she comes across. She is a walking talking encyclopedia when it comes to health and wellness for your fur babies, so she is a on e stop destination for all your queries.

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