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Cute and Courageous: All About Miniature Dachshunds

Cute and Courageous All About Miniature Dachshunds

Dachshunds are a breed that can be easily recognized by their appearance – their long sausage-like body with stubby legs makes them stand out from others. They look very cute, but don’t judge them by their appearance, as they used to be a breed of ferocious hunters in the beginning. 

They are small in size and require very low maintenance, which makes them perfect as family dogs. They are still used for hunting in some parts of the world, but the modern breed stays happy with just some daily playing and workout sessions, and then they get all cozy with their parents.

Miniature Dachshunds Breed History

It is not exactly known which breed, or breeds were used to create the Dachshund, but it is known that the breed originated in Germany. There they were popularly known as Badger dogs. There are stories that date back to the fifteenth century that mentions Dachshund as a warrior breed. 

Breed History

They started their transition as household pets in the 1800s. This version is smaller in size, but its personality remains as large as it used to be. It did not take much time for them to win the people over, and not just any people royalty like Queen Victoria as well. 

By the end of the 19th century, they became a favorite household breed. They are generally kept as pets in the U.S., but in some parts of Europe, they are still used as hunting dogs.

Physical Appearance

Generally, dachshunds come in two different sizes, standard and miniature. Dachshund miniatures weigh around 5kg and have a height of 13 to 18 cm. Much like the standard dachshunds, miniature dachshunds have long-backed bodies, little short legs, and always with an alert expression. 

Physical appearance

This breed comes in three different coat types, smooth, wirehair, and long-haired miniature dachshunds. They also come in different patterns and colors, which include black with tan, cream, or red, along with dark stripes on lighter bases, and some are also found in bicolor and solid coats.

Miniature long-haired dachshunds have shiny, sleek, and wavy hair which gets longer around the ears, under their neck, behind their legs, and body. 

Temperament And Personality

Doxies or miniature Dachshunds are a very affectionate breed and are perfect as a family dog. They are loyal and lovable and will curl up on your lap or blanket to get attention and affection. They do not get along with outside dogs and love the company of their parents.

Temperament and personality

But don’t get fooled by their cute appearance. They are extremely courageous and vigilant, which makes them good watchdogs. Sometimes they can be a little off with strangers

and can get aggressive around them. They used to be hunters in the beginning, and that trait makes them brave, with stubbornness and a big attitude.

Grooming And Care

Grooming and care for a miniature dachshund depend on the coat type they possess. For a smooth-haired coat, extensive grooming is not required. Brushing their coat weekly or just wiping them with a towel will suffice. 

Grooming and care

Long-haired dachshunds require more attention, and they need to be brushed frequently, and that depends on the thickness of the coat. It is necessary to keep them in good condition. 

For wire-haired dachshunds, it is best to pluck and hand-strip them quite a few times in a year to keep them in their best form. It is even better if you try to trim their eyebrows and beard weekly or twice a week and also comb them. 

Training And Exercise

Though they are not built for running long distances, or strenuous swimming, their tireless trait thrives on doing regular exercise and walking regularly. They don’t require a lot of exercise and be a good companion for old people.

Training and exercise

It is best to keep them from doing strenuous exercise or jumping off furniture. But they need to do regular exercise to stay fit and build muscles to support themselves. Sometimes they can challenge their trainer because of their stubborn nature, but don’t get impatient. 

They have strong personalities, and they will not react well if they are punished or treated harshly during training. It is best to deal with them sensitively and reward them if they are training well.

Feeding And Nutrition

Dachshund miniature breed does well with high-quality dog food, but that depends on their age and activity level. They often get issues with their weight, particularly if they are underfed or overfed. You have to keep in check the quantity of food miniature dachshund puppies need or an adult or senior dog needs. 

Feeding and nutrition

A dachshund parent has to keep in mind that they should never be allowed to get overweight as it can strain their long back and can also lead to spinal injuries. Keep their calorie consumption in check, monitor their weight level, and give them proper portions of meals. If you are concerned, consult with a vet.

Health Issues

Health issues

The miniature dachshund’s lifespan is around 12-16 years. Like any other breed of dogs, they are also prone to certain diseases, and if not trained or exercised, and fed, they can get some serious health issues. Not all dachshunds get affected by diseases, but it is better to keep them in check. 

Some diseases that affect dachshunds are IVDD or Intervertebral Disc Disorder. Epilepsy, gastric dilatation-volvulus, progressive retinal atrophy, diabetes, and Cushing disease. We have discussed these issues in detail below: 

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): This is a significant concern due to its long spine and short legs. It can lead to severe back pain and even paralysis.
  • Obesity: Dachshunds are prone to gaining weight, which can exacerbate back problems and lead to other health issues.
  • Dental Issues: Small breeds, including Dachshunds, are susceptible to dental problems like tartar buildup and gum diseases.
  • Ear Infections: Their long ears can trap moisture and debris, leading to frequent ear infections.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): This genetic condition can lead to gradual vision loss.
  • Acanthosis Nigricans: This skin condition causes dark, thickened patches of skin, usually in the armpits and groin area.
  • Lafora Disease: A form of epilepsy that can cause seizures.
  • Heart Disease: They can be prone to various heart conditions, including heart failure.

It is better to take them to a vet if you start noticing any symptoms, just to be safe.

Bottom Line

Miniature dachshunds are a very lovable breed and can be a great pet for any home. They are very energetic, but they are very much comfortable inside the house and do not mix well with outside dogs. Sometimes they are very lazy, and that is when the parent has to encourage them to do their regular exercise.

Their past makes them follow any kind of trail, so it is obvious that you have to keep them in check when they are taken outside. Before checking out miniature dachshund puppies for sale, know if they are the right fit for you and your home. 

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Anindita Dey

Meet Anindita, a digital marketing enthusiast by the day, and a pet parent at all times. A millennial mother to a five year old dog and three felines. when she is not busy fighting Google\\\'s algorithm, she spends all her time with her four kids. Her motto? To create a happy and safe environment for her fur babies.

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