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  • Maine Coon Size Chart: Learn About Growth & Size of the Cat 

Maine Coon Size Chart: Learn About Growth & Size of the Cat 

Maine Coon Size Chart Learn About Growth & Size of the Cat

This Maine Coon is the breed that boasts of not its magnificent size only but also excellent manners and soft silky coat very adorable amity.  

Not only for inquisitive prospective new pet parents asking these frequent height and weight-related questions within a million people with these breeds as someone of domestic cats and pure feline animal enthusiasts.  

Cover all facts in this holistic guide relating to the dimensions and growth patterns of Maine Coons and how such dimensions can be best measured.  

Compare the size of this breed to other popular breeds, understand some factors that would explain the magnitude of their body size, and solve some common questions about the great breed.  

Knowing Everything about Maine Coon

Knowing Everything about Maine Coon

Long-coated, coming from the United States, specifically Maine-which also prides itself in a declaration declaring that this breed is the state’s adopted feline and with an even less well-established past.  

It is believed that the most ardent historians that several shipped felines started its beginning by pioneering explorers from these shores; besides probably in the way through the Nordic length, long coated felines influence.  

The Maine Coon slowly adapted to New England’s harsh and freezing weather and, in due time, ushered in a muscular, sturdy breed with robust features like smartness, the ability to demonstrate a gentle disposition, and colossal size.  

This is one of the biggest breeds of domestic cats; hence very much loved among enthusiasts. Many cats are small and agile, but the Maine Coon is one of the most robust cats, characterized by a bushy tail and very rugged features.  

These cats are very long, heavy, and tall; for this reason, they are always known as ‘gentle giants’ in the feline world.  

Breed Overview of Maine Coon

Here are some size characteristics of the Maine Coon breed.  

Characteristics Maine Coon 
Weight (Male) 13-18 pounds (5.9-8.2 kg) 
Weight (Female) 8 – 12 lbs (3.6 – 5.4 kg) 
Length 10 – 16 inches (25 – 41 cm) 
Size 19-40 inches (48-102 cm) 
Average Lifespan 12-15 years 
Temperament Affectionate, extremely intelligent, and outgoing  
Physical Features Large muscular body with a long and shaggy tail 

Why are Maine Coons so Huge?

Why are Maine Coons so Huge_

In the animal kingdom, its size is one of the world’s biggest attractions to feline fans. Several factors explain Maine Coons and why they are such an enormous cat. Let us outline the core parts that have allowed this breed to become a larger cat proportionally.  

1. Genetics

    Any breed lies in genetics. For Maine Coons, it’s pretty obvious how size has a role through genetics.  

    After years of repeatedly breeding to become larger, only the traits of strong bones in their structure and muscular body parts were selected. Essentially, what best describes a Maine Coon is bones that are muscular with massive body parts.  

    2. Natural Selection  

      The New England breed faced a relatively cold climate. Survival would be the key issue for developing this breed. The larger, more muscular cats would be better suited to such a cold climate.  

      Large size may have aided it in catching prey, keeping warm in cooler temperatures, and fighting against larger predators. Time passed by, and because of that, natural selection favored the larger traits, and the Maine Coon remained large.  

      Slow Maine Coon: Maine Coon grows slowly. Most breeds reach full adult size totally at the end of one year. That’s not the case with Maine Coon; they mature until ages three to five years old.  

      That’s the cause of slow growth, which granted them ample time to achieve complete size and hard bones.  

      How Big Does a Maine Coon Get? 

      How Big Does a Maine Coon Get_

      One of the most impressive features of the breed is its size. Let’s pay attention to the average weight, height, and length of an adult Maine Coon cat.  

      • Male 

      The male Maine Coons are always a few pounds and kilograms more gigantic and heavier than females.  

      For example, while the minimum weight of a male should be between 13 to 18 pounds (5.9-8.2 kilograms), which is extendable for gigantic individuals.  

      • Females 

      They are the smallest and lightest in size and weight and should weigh between 8-12 pounds, or 3.6 to 5.4 kilograms, and some still fall within this spectrum, depending on what line size is involved.  

      • Size 

      Maine coons are long-bodied. The average shoulder height for an adult Maine coon cat ranges between 10 to 16 inches or 25 to 41 centimeters.  

      Typically, males are longer than females. This height makes them taller than other breeds of domesticated cats.  

      One of the characteristics defining features of the Maine Coon is that they are of a length. Maine Coons are long, both body and tail.  

      • Length 

      The length from nose to tail tip in a Maine Coon is 19-40 inches (48-102 cm), and males will usually be towards the higher side of the spectrum. Their tail is 12-18 inches (30-45 cm), adding to their imposing stature.  

      Let’s see how Maine Coon compares to the most known breed according to size. To do that, the table below compares the weight, height, and length of the Maine Coon with the other more prominent breeds:  

      Cat Breed Average Weight  Height  Length  
      Maine Coon 8-18 Ibs (3.6-8.2kg) 10-16 inches (25-41 cm) 19-40 inches (48-102cm) 
      Persian  7-12 Ibs (3.2-5.4kg) 9-11 inches (23-28 cm) 15-20 inches (38-51 cm) 
      Siamese  6-14 Ibs (2.7-6.4kg) 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) 18-22 inches (46-56 cm) 
      Ragdoll 10-20 Ibs (4.5-9kg) 9-11 inches (23-28 cm) 18-24 inches (46-61 cm) 

      From the table, we will find Maine Coons will have larger weights and measures compared to most other breeds. Ragdoll, among many others, transforms into big cats. However, a Maine Coon usually is much more significant than almost any other breed.  

      Maine Coon vs. Persian Cat

      Maine Coon vs. Persian Cat

      The Persian looks alike, having plush, long fur and shrinking away in character. Among the most differentiated dimensions in size and appearance, the following applies:  


        A Persian weighs about 7-12 pounds or 3.2-5.4 kg. That’s half of what your average male Maine Coon is going to weigh. They are usually around 13-18 pounds or 5.9-8.2 kg.  

        Height and Length 

          The Persian is much shorter and stockier in body build. The height varies at around 9-11 inches (23-28 cm) with length around 15-20 inches (38-51 cm).  

          Maine Coons are comparatively much taller and long in average height. They run from around 10-16 inches (25-41 cm) in length to about 19-40 inches (48-102 cm).  


            Both loves to be the attention of their humans, but the Maine Coon is a love affair with playing exercise and gets overenergized at times, whereas the Persian cat loves to be inactive and very lazy and very indifferently acting in action as well as reactions to any surroundings.  

            Maine Coon vs. Siamese Cat

            Maine Coon vs. Siamese Cat

            The Siamese cat is quite unlike again. Generally, much leaner and more slenderly constructed around the body; much smaller in size. 


              Maine Coons are so much lighter compared to the Siamese. Maine Coon weighs 6-14 pounds (2.7-6.4 kg) and weighs from 13-18 pounds (5.9-8.2 kg) for the male Maine Coons.  

              Height and Length 

                Siamese cats are tall and lean. They stand about 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) tall and about 18-22 inches (46-56 cm) long. Maine Coons are much taller and longer, at up to 16 inches (41 cm) tall and 40 inches (102 cm) long.  


                  Siamese cats are very vocal and sociable. They seem to bond very intensely with human family members. Maine Coons are friendly, too, though they are a lot quieter and shyer in comparison to the Siamese cat.  

                  Maine Coon vs. Ragdolls

                  Maine Coon vs. Ragdolls

                  Ragdolls are another enormous breed. In some places, these breeders find them in greater demand than the Maine Coon as their size and temperament seem rather similar:  


                    Ragdolls weigh 10-20 pounds (4.5-9 kg). Males are heavier compared to the females, like Maine Coon. Maine Coons are slightly heavy, particularly in males.  

                    Height and Length 

                      The Ragdoll reaches about 9-11 inches (23-28 cm) in length, whereas it reaches a length of about 18-24 inches (46-61 cm); Maine Coon is shorter and less lengthy.  


                        Ragdolls are just so wonderfully laid-back and docile. When picked up, they go limp, which is how they got their name. Maine Coons are friendly but a tad more playful and energetic than ragdolls. Thus, slightly more active.  

                        Measuring Your Maine Coon

                        Measuring Your Maine Coon

                        For proper measurement of your Maine Coon, you would be requiring soft measuring tape and leveled surface. Here’s what to do to follow:  

                        Measuring Tape for Total Length 

                          Total measuring tape is defined by the distance covering from the tip end of a cat’s nose through to all parts before stopping at the extremity end of its tail. This, in turn, makes much of its Maine Coon count towards the measurement of the general length.  

                          Measuring Tape for Height 

                            The other way to find the height from the floor to the highest point above Maine Coon shoulder blades. These cates are not exactly high maintenance but yes, they are quite unique! 

                            Measurement of Weight 

                              One can weigh a Maine Coon cat on a scale. Or they can weigh the owner and add his Maine Coon and get his weight only by subtracting his weight from the weight indicated on the machine.  

                              How Size is Determined

                              How Size is Determined

                              When it comes to the size of a Maine Coon cat there are many factors to determine; for example, these are: 


                                Like the case with most other breeds, genetics play a crucial role in setting the size of any given cat; hence, this explains why any kitten raised by their parents with recorded higher sizes has a high chance of attaining their respective higher size classes. 

                                Diet and Nutrition 

                                  A Maine Coon will grow only healthy if raised with proper nutrition. Proper nutrition that consists of proteins and all other nutrients will build muscles and the bone system. 


                                    Problems of health will also be a cause for growth for your Maine Coon. Hence, regular checkups from a vet, along with vaccinations, will help keep your Maine Coon healthy.  

                                    Environmental Factors 

                                      Environment is the answer as well. The outdoor cats tend to be larger because of the amount of roaming necessary for hunting and exercising themselves. Indoor cats are smaller due to little movement.  

                                      Wrapping Up! 

                                      Big size distinguishes Maine Coons as unusual cats. When bringing one home, it will be very intriguing to learn the reasons why Maine Coon becomes a cat of such gigantic proportions and ensures it will become the big cat awaiting it.  

                                      Provided it receives good care, your Maine Coon will not only achieve its maximum size but will also remain an easy-going gentle giant with a loving disposition.


                                      Let me discuss some of the most important questions that people have from us about Maine Coon!

                                      Do Maine Coons stop growing at a certain age?  

                                      This depends on whether your Maine Coon has hit full adult size by 3-5 years, although, of course, this is dependent upon the genetics and overall health of what was passed onto their specific litter.  

                                      Is female Maine Coons smaller than male Maine Coons?  

                                      Yes, females, on average, tend to be somewhat smaller than males. They are very big if you consider the average sizes of other cats in the household.  

                                      How can I be sure that my Maine Coon will grow and become all that I could ever wish for?  

                                      Proper feeding and space for running, as well as a visit from time to time to the vet, ensure that a Maine Coon grows fully. You must groom Maine Coon regularly along with regularly play and interact with human.

                                      Is the Maine Coon the largest breed of household cat?  

                                      Maine Coon is one of the biggest domestic cats, and although Savannah and Chausie are bigger than the Maine Coon.  
                                      They are still an exotic variety, so Maine Coon would not be one of the exotic ones; therefore, one of the most common breeds.  

                                      How long does it take for Maine Coon to fully grow? 

                                      Maine Coons generally mature at ages 3 to 5, older than most other breeds of house cats. One of the good things is they do not shed a lot of hair. 


                                      Nabamita Sinha

                                      Meet Nabamita, a first-time pet sibling of a beautiful 3-year old Indian breed pup named Bruno. Her love for dogs can be seen all over her social media accounts and also over the fact that she can't even walk a mile without petting every single dog she comes across. She is a walking talking encyclopedia when it comes to health and wellness for your fur babies, so she is a on e stop destination for all your queries.

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