Animals That Start With N – All Information With Pictures And Facts

There are innumerable animals in the world, some we know of and others are still unknown to us.
But today we are counting the animals that start with N, and will know a few facts about them. So if you are intrigued to know about the animals that start with an N, then keep scrolling down.
Animals That Start With N
If we are looking for the animals that start with N, then there is a long list of animals, if you wanna know more about them then we have a long list of animals right here, keep on scrolling.
1. Nabarlek

Kingdom | Animalia |
Family | Macropodidae |
Class | Mammalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Order | Diprotodontia |
Genus | Petrogale |
Scientific Name | Petrogale Concinna |
A relative to the kangaroos and wallabies, the Nabarleks are native to the country down under, Australia. These animals only grow a foot long, if we leave it’s tails out, but they are extremely secretive and are not easily seen.
2. Nguni Cattle

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Artiodactyla |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Bovidae |
Scientific Name | Bos Taurus |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Bos |
Native to Africa, the Nguni Cattle are a very low-maintenance species, making them very profitable for farmers when producing beef. These cattle are also known to be highly maternal when it comes to protecting their calves.
3. Northern Flicker

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Piciformes |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Picidae |
Scientific Name | C.Auratus |
Class | Aves |
Genus | Colaptes |
The Northern Flicker is native to North American, unlike other species of woodpeckers, they mostly stay on the ground and feed on beetles and ants.
These Northern Flickers are also quite musical as you can hear them drumming on trees, that is how they communicate with woodpeckers.
4. Naegleria

Kingdom | Animalia |
Family | Vahlkampfiidae |
Order | Schizopyrenida |
Scientific Name | Naegleria fowleri |
Genus | Naegleria |
Named after Kurt Nagler, a German protozoologist, the bacteria is highly capable of changing its form from amoeboid to flagellated. They go up your nose right to your brain. It is a very infectious bacteria.
5. Narwhal

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Cetacea |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Monodontidae |
Scientific Name | Monodon monoceros |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Monodon |
The name is an old Norse name given after the pale-skin of the animal, the name means corpse, morbid, I know.
These animals are considered to have magical elements in their horn, ever since the Viking, Scottish and Inuit cultures.
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6. Numbat

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Dasyuromorphia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Myrmecobius |
Scientific Name | Myrmecobius Fasciatus |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Myrmecobius |
Native to Australia, these marsupial animals generally live underground, in burrows or inside hollow logs. These Numbats primarily depend on termites for food. They are also known to communicate with others by creating a soft clicking-like noise.
7. Natterjack

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Anura |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Bufonidae |
Scientific Name | Epidalea Calamita |
Class | Amphibia |
Genus | Epidalea |
The Natterjack toads are from Europe. Being carnivores animals, they feed on spiders, worms, and woodlice, being nocturnal, they mainly hunt during the night. Call about being highly fertile, a natterjack can lay up to 7500 eggs at a single time.
8. Nautilus

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Nautilida |
Phylum | Mollusca |
Family | Nautilidae |
Scientific Name | Nautilus pompilius |
Class | Cephalopoda |
Genus | Nautilus |
Evolving over 500 million ago, the Nautilus never changed ever since. These mollusks don’t reach their sexual maturity until they are about 10 to 15 years of age, since they live up to 20 years old.
The Nautilus is known to have about 60 to 90 tentacles, which are covered with tiny hair-like sticky adhesives, which help them to catch prey.
9. Neapolitan Mastiff

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Carnivora |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Canidae |
Scientific Name | Canis Lupus |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Canis |
These gigantic beasts are one of the biggest dog breeds in the world. You can find these dogs in many places if you go back in history.
This dog breed is wrinkly and floppy, even if this breed doesn’t seem agile and fast, they are very indeed active, quick, and quite confident.
10. Newfypoo

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Carnivora |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Canidae |
Scientific Name | Canis Lupus |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Canis |
This docile and lovable dog breed is a thick-coated dog with oily nature as well. Well, this makes the dog breed quite hard to groom and in need of proper grooming sessions.
But the most troublesome aspect of this dog breed is that they are in a serious condition of anxiety separation.
11. Needlefish

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Beloniformes |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Belonidae |
Scientific Name | Platybelone |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Genus | Platybelone |
This fish species is available all over America, Africa, and Asia, who has sharp teeth but with a long slim body. But a fun fact, the fish don’t have a stomach, but the digestive system does secret trypsin which helps to digest food.
12. Norwich Terrier

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Carnivore |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Canidae |
Scientific Name | Canis Lupus |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Canis |
This dog is who you called a small dog, who comes with a giant personality. But this dog breed is highly energetic and smart, but most of the time they are stubborn. These dogs were breed to chase down rodents around the barn and home.
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13. Newfoundland

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Carnivora |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Canidae |
Scientific Name | Canis Lupus |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Canis |
The Newfoundland is a hard-working and tough guard dog, that came from Canada. These dogs were bred to save fishermen from drowning in the cold water. Even though these dogs are giant, they are not dangerous.
14. Newt

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Caudata |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Salamandridae |
Class | Amphibia |
These Newts are known to be found in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa. These salamanders are carnivores and eat animals like tadpoles, frog eggs, worms, slugs, and even other insects.
There are over 100 different types of salamanders, they are also known to secret neurotoxins from their skin to protect themselves from other animals.
15. Nicobar Pigeon

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Columbiformes |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Columbidae |
Scientific Name | Caloenas Nicobarica |
Class | Aves |
Genus | Caloenas |
The stones from this bird are considered valuable and made into jewelry, these stones are so hard that they can grind nuts, but humans use a hammer to break them.
The Nicobar pigeon is the largest pigeon in the world. When they feel threatened, these birds make a grunting noise like a pig.
16. Night Snake

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Squamata |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Colubridae |
Scientific Name | Hypsiglena Torquata |
Class | Reptilia |
Genus | Hypsiglena |
The snake was very commonly mistaken as a rattlesnake, as it has a triangular head shape with an elliptical pupil.
These night snakes are born late in summer. The fangs of this species of snake are also in the back of the mouth instead of the front.
17. Nurse Shark

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Orectolobiformes |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Ginglymostomatidae |
Scientific Name | Ginglymostomatidae Cirratum |
Class | Chondrichthyes |
Genus | Ginglymostomatidae |
The Nurse shark are like couch potato of the underwater world. These big fish are big and peaceful as well, unlike other sharks.
They usually swim slowly along the sea bed, where they find food to hunt at night and rest during the day. The female sharks usually hid their fin in the ocean bed, in order to avoid males who are looking forward to mating.
18. Nightingale

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Passeriformes |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Muscicapudae |
Class | Aves |
Genus | Luscinia |
The nightingale is a great example of animals that start with N, they are the smallest songbirds of the world. They don’t have an extraordinary appearance, but their uniqueness resides in their voice. The nightingales mostly inhabit in Africa, Asia, and also Europe. Nightingales can sing about 180 to 260 different songs.
19. Nigerian Goat

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Artiodactyla |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Calvo |
Scientific Name | Capra Aegagrus Hircus |
Class | Mammalia |
Genus | Capra |
The Nigerian Goat is a similar species as the American Pygmy Goat, they are dwarf goat breed. Although small in size, these goats, are capable of producing a large amount of milk. In general, these goats are quite playful, friendly gentle, and highly intelligent. The Nigerian goats are a very expensive breed of goat.
20. Nightjar

Kingdom | Animalia |
Order | Caprimulgiformes |
Phylum | Chordata |
Family | Caprimulgidae |
Scientific Name | Caprimulgus Ruficollis |
Class | Aves |
Genus | Eurostopodus |
The Nightjars are a special breed of nocturnal birds with large eyes, flat heads and long wings. They are great at camouflaging themselves against the tree barks. These birds only come out at night.
Bonus Section
There are plenty of other animals whose names start with the letter N. So why just limit to 20? Let’s see a few more.
Nurseryfish is often known as kurtus or incubator fish. There has not been enough research about this creature, as it has always been difficult for researchers to keep them alive for long enough to have a proper research.
But there is something that has been found about them, and that is their unusual reproductive behavior. Male nursuryfish carries the egg on a protruding hook on their forehead, and females lack this hook.
Another striking feature about them is their humped back. They are mostly found in brackish, fresh, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, coastal marine waters of India, and they feed on crayfish, small fishes and shrimp.
Nightfishes have an oblong shaped body with their protruding jaws which pass their pupils. They have log pores on either side of their eyes. Their length is maximum of 15 cm and they are black, dark brown and deep olive-purple.they are mainly a native citizen of the coastal wetlands of Southwest Australia.
They are mostly found in lakes, ponds and coastal streams. These fishes are nocturnal and have a lifespan of six to eight years. They hide under the plants and rocky slabs and come out during the night.. They mainly feed on tiny fish, gastropods, insects and crustaceans.
If you think about the literal meaning of the term, it means blue cow. But they are not actually blue but it is the largest antelope found in Asia and resides in India. Male Nilgais weigh from 103 to 288 kg and are almost 5 feet in length. Female Nilgais are around 213 kg in weight.
They mostly live on plants, small bushes and grasses and have a lifespan of almost 21 years. They coat is bluish-gray and yellow-brown in males.
Wrapping Up!
Now that you are aware of the animals that start with N, then you can find this information helpful in a lot of ways than you might think.
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