Amid the ongoing seasonal spread of the Avian influenza virus in Europe, France also reports an outbreak of a highly infectious variant of the bird flu virus on a Turkey Farm in the Brittany region. The Agriculture Ministry of France confirmed the news on Tuesday.

This outbreak is France’s first case of bird flu virus on a farm for this year’s autumn. The incident occurred near the place where an infected bird was discovered a few days back.

The Agricultural Ministry of France said in a statement that several cases of highly pathogenic avian flu in wild birds in recent days. As a result, the French government has raised the nationwide alert level for bird flu from negligible to moderate.

The ministry also announced that in areas where poultry flocks are exposed to or come in contact with wild birds, the farm birds will now be kept inside to check the spread of the virus.

Avian Influenza or bird flu virus usually strikes farms in European countries such as Germany, Croatia, The Netherlands, Hungary, and Italy during the autumn and winter seasons. Due to this virus, several millions of birds have been slaughtered in the past years, causing major disruption in the supply of eggs and poultry meat and resulting in an exponential increase in prices. France initiated a vaccination campaign in early October to prevent the spread of bird flu. Currently, the campaign is only limited to ducks as they are the most susceptible to this virus.

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