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Miniature German Shepherd Breed: A Complete Overview

Miniature German Shepherd

German shepherds are one of the most loyal and noble dog breeds that you can get. With high intelligence and agility, these are the best family and guard dogs that you can get. 

But we all know that German Shepherds are a big dog breed and require a larger space for their upbringing. But if you don’t have much space, then what should you do? 

Well, we have the best solution for you. And the answer is Miniature German Shepherds

Breed Overview

German shepherd Breed Overview

Before we get to know more about the miniature German Shepherd, here are a few details you should know about. 

Size15 – 20 inches
Lifespan15 years
Weight 50 lb
ColorBlack, white, sable, tan with black, silver, or black with red.
CoatMedium length with double coat
PurposeWoking & Companionship
TemperamentObedient, loyal, protective.
Do They ShedYes
SocializationAs puppies, they need lots of socialization.
IntelligenceThey are very intelligent but need mental stimulation.
People SkillsThey are often standoffish with strangers.
Destructive BehaviorWhen under stimulation, they start chewing.
Good With ChildrenYes
Activity LevelsHighly strung with high energy.

About The Breed

The German Shepherd Dog is known as the ideal dog breed among all the recognized breeds. This is the finest of all all-purpose dog breeds and is known for its high intelligence, agility, and noble character. 

The miniature German Shepherd is very similar to its regular-sized cousin. They are either a poodle or border coolie crossbreed, but their temperament is more like a regular German Shepherd.  

The miniature german shepherd dogs that look like german shepherds rather than the other parent breed. They have the personality of a german shepherd, from its agility, intelligence, alertness, and proud personality. 

But since the breed is known for being highly active, so without much mental and physical stimulus, the breed is known to become bored and destructive. 

Physical Appearance

Physical Appearance

The first physical attribute that you will notice about the physical attributes of the dog breed is their miniature or dwarf size. Even though being of miniature stature, the miniature german shepherd has a well-balanced body. 

With seamless forequarters and hindquarters, the dog breed has a certain strength and nobility to it. They have a keen eye for high intelligence, with a strong head and great proportions. 


A full grown miniature german shepherd is only about 15 to 20 inches tall, weighing almost about 50 lb when they are fully grown. Although these are not official standards of the breed, so the weight of the miniature german shepherd differs a lot. 


The original regular German Shepherd doesn’t have too many color variations, so it is obvious that the miniature german shepherd does not have a lot of color variations as well. 

So the popular colors of these german shepherds are black, white, silver, red, tan with black saddle anas also sable colors. 


These german shepherd poodle mixes have a medium length with a double coat. These breeds are known to shed their fur throughout the year, but a full blowout in the fall and again in the spring, twice a year. 

If you own a miniature german shepherd, then you need to brush them regularly every few days and bathe them every six weeks. Doing all these will minimize the shedding of the fur. 

Personality & Temperament

Personality & Temperament

The main personality trait of the miniature german shepherd is to stay healthy and happy. These dogs are driven to work hard and stay active on a regular basis. 

Regular or miniature german shepherds are not your regular sofa or lap dogs; they are active dogs, and they love to work hard regularly. 

With a great temperament, these dogs are great family dogs if you need someone for guarding or herding. These dogs are always in need of a job to do at all times. If you have an active family, then these are the best dog for you, playing, exercising, and daily walks. 

It is important that you socialize these dogs from a young age so that they develop proper socialization skills by the time they are fully grown. Being great guard dogs, you should never approach these dogs when all alone when they are on duty. 

Care & Exercise

Care & Exercise

The miniature german shepherd is not your high-maintenance dog breed; the only thing that they require is high mental and physical stimulation. 

These dogs are great guard dogs and loyal companions. So if you are a family with kids, then this is a great dog for your family

The miniature german shepherd requires lots of exercises, like a sixty-minute walk each day. This bare minimum exercise is the least that the miniature german shepherd needs. The best exercise that the miniature german shepherd needs are.

  • At 60 minutes of exercise per day.
  • Walks twice a day

Exercise helps them release their pent-up energy and prevent behavior problems or destructiveness. They also need mental stimulation such as training, puzzles, or games. Some of the activities that you can do with your miniature German Shepherd are:

Running With Your Dog:

This is a great way to burn calories and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. You can run on trails, parks, or streets, as long as you keep your dog on a leash and follow the traffic rules. You can also use a harness or a waist belt to attach your dog to you and prevent pulling or tangling.

Playing Tug-of-war:

This is a fun and interactive game that can test your dog’s strength and intelligence. You can use a rope, a toy, or an old sock to play with your dog. You can also teach your dog to drop the toy on command and reward them with praise or treats. Make sure you let your dog win sometimes to keep them motivated and happy.

Doing Agility Training:

This is a sport that involves your dog running through a course of obstacles, such as tunnels, jumps, ramps, and weave poles. You can enroll your dog in a professional agility class, or set up your own course at home or in your backyard. Agility training can improve your dog’s speed, coordination, and confidence.

Solving Puzzles:

This is a way to challenge your dog’s brain and keep them entertained. You can buy or make your own puzzle toys, such as treat dispensers, balls, or boxes, that require your dog to use their nose, paws, or mouth to get the reward. You can also hide treats or toys around the house or in the yard and let your dog find them.

LifeSpan And Health Problems

Health Problems

It has been found that Miniature German Shepherds live longer than a regular German Shepherd. They live almost up to fifteen years, whereas purebreds live upto twelve to fourteen years. But in general mix breed dogs have a longer lifespan, and this is called hybrid vigor
But it is obvious that miniature German Shepherds inherit a lot of the health conditions from their parent breed. These mini german shepherds are known to have a few common health problems.


There can be two different kinds of epilepsy in German Shepherds. And it is believed that the miniature breed often gets that as well. The two types are Idiopathic and Symptomatic. Idiopathic is mostly seizure-inducing and this is the common kind that is found in most dogs.


This is also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus. In this condition the stomach gets bloated and rotates on its own. To treat this condition they require surgery and often becomes life-threatening.

Elbow and Hip Dysplasia  

Hip dysplasia and Elbow dysplasia are also common among these breeds. Elbow dysplasia happens when the bone that forms the elbow joint is not properly aligned or is growing in an uneven pattern. 

Hip dysplasia happens when the sockets of the hip joints do not enclose the femur head, which makes it lose.

Degenerative Myelopathy

This happens when the spine has a progressive breakdown. This often leads to weakness in the limb and sometimes causes paralysis. This condition cannot be treated as there is no way to know if your dog has this disease. This can only be diagnosed during a postmortem examination.


This is a congenital condition that makes the esophagus weak and as a result it becomes unable to pass down the food to the digestive system. It comes with symptoms like vomiting or regurgitating food when they try to eat something solid. They get smaller than other pups and often show symptoms of malnutrition

There is no exact cure for this condition. They have to survive on liquid food and elevated feeding for a lifetime.

Some responsible breeders should definitely screen the dogs before breeding for possible health problems and issues.

What Is A Miniature German Shepherd Called?

different names for miniature german shepherds

There are many different names for miniature german shepherds depending on the breed it is mixed with. 

  • German Yorkie Shepherd German Shepherd and Yorkshire Terrier mix
  • Corman ShepherdCorgi and German Shepherd mix
  • ShollieBorder Collie and German Shepherd mix
  • ShepadoodlePoodle and Geman Shepherd mix
  • Dachsund ShepherdDachshund and German Shepherd mix
  • Siberian ShepherdSiberian Husky and German Shepherd mix

Buyer’s Guide: Pros & Cons

Before you take the responsibility of a miniature German Shepherd, you should know the pros and cons of owning a miniature German Shepherd. 

Pros Cons
Small convenient size.They need lots of socialization.
Very Intelligent.Suffers from separation anxiety.
Easy to train.It sheds a lot in shedding season.
Great working dog.The high energy is not suitable for most.
Amazing as a guard dog.

Average Cost Of Owning A Miniature German Shepherd

Here are some estimates of the costs involved in owning a miniature German Shepherd:

The initial purchase price of a miniature German Shepherd can range from $800 to $1200, depending on the breeder and the type of dog the mom is bred with. The average cost of a miniature German Shepherd is $1500, whereas the average cost of a purebred German Shepherd is $20001. However, you can adopt a mini German Shepherd from a rescue or shelter at a much lower price, between $100-$300.

The monthly expenses of owning a miniature German Shepherd can include food, vet care, grooming, training, toys, and other miscellaneous items. The average monthly cost of owning a miniature German Shepherd can be around $85, depending on the quality and quantity of these items. Therefore, the annual cost of owning a miniature German Shepherd can be around $1020.

The lifetime cost of owning a miniature German Shepherd can vary depending on the lifespan and health of the dog. Miniature German Shepherds have a longer lifespan than regular German Shepherds, averaging around 12 to 16 years, depending on their parent breeds13. Therefore, the lifetime cost of owning a miniature German Shepherd over 12 years can be around $13,740, for both the cost of the puppy plus all food and care expenses.

Note that the average cost of owning a miniature German Shepherd depends on various factors, such as the initial purchase price, the quality of the breeder, the health and maintenance of the dog, and the location and lifestyle of the owner.

Wrapping Up!

So now that you know everything there is to know about the miniature German Shepherd. Then you can make an informed decision about owning a miniature German Shepherd and whether they are a perfect fit for your family or not. 

If you liked this article, then leave a like and comment down below and let us know whether you would like to own a miniature German Shepherd or not.

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Nabamita Sinha

Meet Nabamita, a first-time pet sibling of a beautiful 3-year old Indian breed pup named Bruno. Her love for dogs can be seen all over her social media accounts and also over the fact that she can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t even walk a mile without petting every single dog she comes across. She is a walking talking encyclopedia when it comes to health and wellness for your fur babies, so she is a on e stop destination for all your queries.

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Chery Boccio

27 February, 2024

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