Users on social media were simply captivated by an absolutely desperate appeal to the residents of Austin over the past weekend. As per a series of social media posts from Palash Pandey, a cat wonder and cab share company Lyft, the situation developed from 30th September onwards before spiraling out into a detailed investigation.

Pandey’s Appeal To Social Media:

In a post uploaded on Reddit, cat owner Pandey talked about the incident that took place after he had stepped outside his Lyft to take Tux (his pet cat) for a vet appointment at the Banfield Pet Hospital.

In the post, Pandey wrote, “I was sitting behind the driver and had the cat carrier on the floor of the passenger side back seat. Once we reached it, I got off the driver’s side door and started walking to the passenger side door to pick her up. Before I could open the door, the driver started driving.

Pandey also talked about his experience on other social media platforms like X, urging Lyft to help him track the cab driver and the cat. Pandey had also recalled that he ran behind the cab and even banged on its windows.

He told KXAN, an NBC news affiliate, “I banged on his windows, hoping that he would notice me and just stop. But instead of that, he just, like, peeled off, he drove away. I don’t know how else you would perceive somebody who you just dropped off running behind you and banging on your windows and doors. I don’t know if there’s a charitable explanation for that.

Pandey explained that even though he tried contacting the Lyft driver through the official app of the company, he wasn’t successful. He also contacted 911, but they transferred him simply to 311, which is typically used for events treated as non-emergencies.

The Police To The Rescue:  

A frustrated Pandey had to file a missing report with the Austin Police Department. Only three hours after that, Pandey mentioned that Lyft gave him a call, and he disappeared with the cat.

At the time, Pandey said, “He called me back saying that he didn’t know where my cat was. He said that he had riders right out after my drop off and that he went to pick up people right after he dropped me off.”

On 1st October, Lyft asked people located in Austin to keep an eye out for the lost cat and to share leads with them.

On, the rideshare company actually confirmed the incident via a detailed statement, mentioning that Tux was finally found and how the company is currently working on policies to prevent similar events from happening in the future.

We’re so happy to report that Tux has been reunited with her owner, and we are focused on ensuring Tux has everything she needs right now, including covering all of her veterinary bills. We’ll continue to work directly with Palash to provide the support that they both need. We are actively working with all involved to fully understand the situation — to help prevent it from happening again. We’re evaluating our policies to improve support for our community, including in cases like this.

Additional Reading:

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Barsha Bhattacharya
Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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