A deer was in danger, landing on thin ice accidentally. But thanks to the firefighters and community members of a town in Minnesota, the deer was rescued.

The Fire Department of Prior Lake took to social media to announce the good news earlier in the week. The Instagram post had a video of the incident with the caption, “Neighbors called PLFD to report a deer stuck on Pike Lake. It was struggling to get off of the thin ice. Firefighters put on their protective gear and carefully crawled across the ice. They were successfully able to push the deer to shore! Thanks PLFD! 🦌 👏.”

The post also had a background song – Dem Deer by Bryan Bowers Band.

One viewer actually commented on the post, “This warms my heart. Thank you for helping this sweet creature,” while another viewer said, “❤️this brought tears to my eyes. !! Thank you, PL fire department.”

As per CBS News Minnesota, after the deer was rescued, the harmless creature decided to rest for some time before going back into the wilderness.

According to CBS News Minnesota, once the rescue was complete, the buck rested for a bit before heading back into the reeds. As per the outlet, city officials said, “The buck made it through [deer hunting season]; here’s hoping he makes it through this as well.

The deer hunting season just ended on Sunday in both Wisconsin and Minnesota. It generally takes place during the months of September and October.

Safety On Frozen Bodies Of Water:

Rick Steinhaus, the fire chief, said, “The smaller ponds, the shallow water is getting ice covered, but it’s very dangerous, very thin and uneven freezing, so we don’t want anyone out there at all.”

He also warned that there is no proper way to ensure that you are safe on frozen ice that you can find in nature, but it’s something you should avoid, especially during this time of the year.

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    Barsha Bhattacharya
    Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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